Six month old receiving chiropractic care to help with constipation, sleep, and pain.

Baby Chiropractic Care

Everything is cute when it comes to babies, and that includes chiropractic care! You might have seen videos going around social media of babies going to the chiropractor getting adjusted, and not only is it adorable, it also has so many benefits for your little one! 

At Peach Creek Chiropractic, Dr. Jones is specially trained to treat patients of all ages–including infants! If you are looking for a natural way to help your baby feel their best, chiropractic care may be right for you.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Babies

It’s a drastic change going from inside to outside the womb. Babies grow rapidly and since they don’t have strength and mobility, they can get stuck in certain positions and become misaligned. It’s also impossible for them to clearly communicate their discomfort, which can be so hard for the parent and baby. This is where Peach Creek Chiropractic comes in. Here are just a few of the amazing benefits of baby chiropractic work!

  • Well-functioning organs: Improved organ function is one of the many benefits of visiting a chiropractor for your baby. It can prevent and resolve stomach and intestine problems, diarrhea, and constipation.  
  • Manage growing pains: Every child will go through growing pains. If they see a chiropractor as a baby, you can make sure your baby is aligned and growing properly. As they grow older, their spine will be able to endure the demands of their growing physique and active lifestyle.
  • Boost immune system: If you feel like your baby is constantly stick with persistent fevers and colds, a trip to the chiropractor could finally bring some relief. Studies have shown that it’s possible that chiropractic treatment can reduce the duration of an illness, and may also lower the chances of illness. Good alignment also helps against reflux, constipation, and stomach pain. A good-aligned structure improves digestion and rejuvenates the immune system
  • Enhance brain growth: Spinal misalignments in children can be worsened. Chiropractic therapy can help children focus and concentrate better during the day, allowing them to feel less upset and improving their behavior. Adjustments will relieve compression on the spine, bones, and joints, allowing a child’s nervous brain growth to improve. Chiropractic therapy has also been shown to aid with anxiety and sadness.
  • Build on their behaviors: Stress can have a physical and emotional impact on children. Children who are worried may misbehave aggressively because they have no other coping mechanism. Stress reduction can go a long way toward assisting children in living happier and healthier lives. Chiropractic therapy is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress, which can improve children’s attitudes and overall behavior.
  • Improves sleep patterns: Sleep is crucial for children. They require sufficient sleep not only to develop efficiently throughout the day but also to improve mentally and physically. Sleep can be interrupted by spinal misalignments. A poor spinal condition can cause muscle tension that causes back pain, which can lead to distress or contribute to sleeplessness. We can relieve that pain so they can sleep better (and you can too!)

Contact us at Peach Creek Chiropractic so we can customize a visit for you and your baby. Dr. Jones is caring, professional, and eager to offer healing. Learn more about our clinic and the services we offer here, or give us a call at (801) 896-7877.

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